How do I install Demand tracking code on a Drupal site?
Copy the Demand tracking code from here
Login to your Drupal admin dashboard
Click on Structure from the top menu
Select Blocks
Click on + Add Block
Complete the following settings for your new block:
Block title: Provide a title for your block, ex. ExactVisitor Tracking Code
Block description: Provide a description of the block, ex: Track website analytics with ExactVisitor tracking code
Block body: Paste the ExactVisitor tracking code
Text format: Choose Full HTML. Please note that in some versions of Drupal, you may need to click Plain Text Editor beneath the Block Body field to ensure that your text is entered as HTML instead of rich text
Region settings: Choose ‘Footer’ for your default theme
Visibility settings: If you do not want the ExactVisitor tracking code to track analytics for certain pages, add them in this section. Otherwise, skip this sectionIt can take up to 24h after you install the tracking script to start collecting leads depending on your website traffic.